Friday, October 10, 2008

Talk by Jaliya

Date: October 14th 2008
Time: 1.00 p.m.
Room: 100B

Title: Performance of Runtime Environments for Data Intensive Supercomputing

Abstract: Computation and data intensive scientific data analyses are
increasingly prevalent. In the near future, it is expected that the data
volumes processed by applications will cross the peta-scale threshold, which
would in turn increase the computational requirements. Two exemplars in the
data-intensive domains include High Energy Physics (HEP) and Astronomy. Data
volume is not the only source of compute intensive operations. Clustering
algorithms used in many domains such as biology and chemistry are especially
compute intensive even though the datasets are comparably smaller than the
physics and astronomy domains. Efficient parallel/concurrent algorithms and
implementation techniques are the key to meeting the scalability and
performance requirements entailed in such scientific data analysis. Most of
these analyses can be thought of as a Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD)
algorithm or a collection thereof. These SPMDs can be implemented using
different parallelization techniques such as threads, message passing,
map-reduce, and workflow technologies. Additionally, the direct and virtual
hardware environments create another dimension for the overall performance
of these applications. The goal of this research is to evaluate the
performance of various runtimes using real scientific applications on direct
and virtual hardware environments and understand how the features such as
scalability, fault-tolerance, and dynamic flexibility, provided by these
runtimes and the hardware environments can be used to improve the overall
performance of the scientific applications. Finally, I will use this
knowledge to derive a set of architectural recommendations for these


Jaliya Ekanayake
Phones Home:812-339-5418 Mobile: 812-606-0561 Lab:812-856-0758

Friday, September 26, 2008

[Fwd: Thesis Practice Talk on Monday(September 29,2008) 2:00-4:00 pm in Room 100B]

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Thesis Practice Talk on Monday(September 29,2008) 2:00-4:00 pm in Room 100B
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 11:15:31 -0400
From: Ahmet Topcu <>
To: Marlon Pierce <>

Hi Marlon,

I will give my practice talk on Monday, September 29th at 2:00pm in
Showers Conference Room 100B.

Title: Integrated Collaborative Information Systems


The evaluation of the Web shows that people want to access information
easily, store them in a personal way, and share them with the others.
There are numerous tools and services built in recent years in different
categories having Web 2.0 capability. Examples include Social
Bookmarking Tools (YouTube,, Flickr,), Blogs (,
Google Blog), Social Networking Tools (MySpace, LinkedIn), Web Search
Tools (Google Scholar, Windows Live Academic) other related tools. New
tools and services are built and open to the Web community continuously.
New blogs and data are published every second. The users of these tools
have the opportunity to use different tools and decide the best ones in
their perspective. Users don't need to know about the version of the
tools and services. However, having many tools in similar areas is a
problem. If a user wants to use some other tools, how can the user move
the data from the previous tool to the new tool? What if the user
decides to use similar tools in the same environment and compare
information at the same time? In other words, users should have a
flexible environment to use multiple tools at the same time. In the
current Web 2.0 domain, it is not easy to say that which tools and
services are the best because of the large number of existing tools and
the continuous development of new tools. We have defined integration
architecture to combine similar tools and use multiple services to user
community to solve this problem.

In this dissertation, we present integration model and its components
using web-accessible data and services and test application based on our
integration infrastructure to evaluate our solution. The architecture
have the following capabilities: (i) Tagging and linking of people
through uploading and downloading of information; (ii) Sharing
information; (iii) Supporting scientific research community; (iii)
Integrating the new tools as they are generated in a specific area; (iv)
Providing a dynamic environment in which the user can benefit from the
capabilities of different tools; (v) Allowing rich content. This
architecture also provides interchange standards for common metadata
format and provides structure for lowering the risk for user. This model
is motivated by the above concerns to provide flexible mechanism to
integrate similar Web 2.0 tools which have similar data model. We also
present evaluation of the system to demonstrate applicability of this
architecture integrating various search and annotation tools for
scholarly publications.

Ahmet Topcu

Monday, July 14, 2008

Yum on gf12, gf14-gf19

The RHEL 4-based machines (gf12, gf14-gf19) now have yum installed in a useful form.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Thesis Practice Talk Thursday 3-5 pm

Fatih Mustacoglu will give a practice talk on Thursday, April 17th from
3-5 PM in Showers 100B.
Title: *Event-based Infrastructure for Reconciling Distributed
Annotation Records

*Abstract:* Information is spread all over the Web in various locations
including centralized repositories, web servers and user desktops.
Centralized repositories represent the old fashion techniques for
resource sharing, whereas completely decentralized systems such as P2P
systems allow users to share information without depending on a third
party repository. The necessities to find and share information led to
development of emergent Web 2.0 applications. These new Web 2.0
applications such as social bookmarking tools introduce a new way of
sharing information rather than the old fashion and P2P systems do.
Social bookmarking tools address the challenging problems of finding and
sharing information among small groups, teams and communities. Various
types of social bookmarking tools developed their own systems to support
different kind of resources. Flickr, for example, allows the sharing of
photos, the sharing of bookmarks, Bibsonomy, CiteULike and
Connotea the sharing of scholarly publications, YouTube the sharing of
video, and 43Things even the sharing of goals in private life. Social
bookmarking tools for sharing of scholarly publications among these
solutions are not interoperable with each other and they have
limitations for representing the complete metadata of scientific
documents and providing timestamp information for updated records.
In this dissertation, we present service enabled Event-based
Infrastructure to provide an efficient, scalable, flexible and modular
architecture to represent and reconcile metadata of scholarly
publications coming from various sources. The system utilizes
Event-based Infrastructure and adopts time-based and strict consistency
enforcement approaches to represent the content of scientific documents
located at several annotation tools consistent with each other with the
added metadata fields and capabilities. We also present an empirical
evaluation of the system to demonstrate applicability of this
architecture to handle with the issues that exist in the annotation
tools for scholarly publications.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Apache Httpd.conf Updates on Web Servers

The following MS Office 2007 formats should now be supported on grids and gf7 apache servers.

# The mod_mine module allows type-extension mappings
AddType application/ ppsm
AddType application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow ppsx
AddType application/ pptm
AddType application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation pptx
AddType application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow ppsx
AddType application/ docm
AddType application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document docx
AddType application/ dotm
AddType application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template dotx
AddType application/ xlsb
AddType application/ xlsm
AddType application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet xlsx
AddType application/ xps

Thanks to Judy Qiu for this info.

Sunday, February 10, 2008 shutdown

I shut gf9 down, will replace it in the Room 211 rack with new Polar Grid machines. I don't think gf9 is used for anything anymore but let me know if you see any problems. Gf9 was formerly used to serve up the old NPAC and FSU web sites mounted on, but these files now come directly from an Apache server on rocky.


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Lab Presentation by Ahmet Sayar

Presenter: Ahmet Sayar
Topic : High Performance Federated Service-Oriented Geographic Information
Location : Room 222
Date : Friday, February 8
Time: 3:00 pm


Geospatial information is critical to the effective and collaborative
decision making in earth-related disaster planning, crisis management and
early-warning systems. The decision making in GIS increasingly relies on
analyses of spatial data in map-based formats. Maps are complex structures
composed of layers created from distributed heterogeneous data and
computation resources belonging to the separate virtual organizations from
various expert skill levels.

We propose infrastructure for understanding and managing the production of
knowledge from distributed observation, simulation and analysis through
integrated data-views in the form of multi-layered map images.
Infrastructure is based on common data model, standard GIS Web-Service
components and a federator. Federator federates GIS services and enables
unified data access/query, display and analysis over integrated data-views.

After giving a complete architecture for GIS domain, we generalized the
problem domain and abstracted the architecture for the other domains in
terms of principles, components and architectural requirements.

We also studied high-performance design techniques in Federated
Service-oriented Geographic Information Systems in which the
interoperability is granted by the structured common data models and
standard service interfaces. The performance tests, measurement and
analysis are done over the real geo-science applications.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

[Fwd: UITS News Release: IU partners with Google and Microsoft to expand student and alumni email options]

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: UITS News Release: IU partners with Google and Microsoft to expand student and alumni email options
Resent-Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2008 09:56:41 -0500
Resent-From: <>
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2008 09:56:38 -0500
From: IU LSP Services <>
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;


UITS is working with IU Media Relations to issue this release today.

Thank you,
LSP and 2nd Tier Support

IU partners with Google and Microsoft to expand student and alumni email options

Innovative deal will offer students and graduates more choices in email service and provide enhanced suites of collaborative software

Feb. 5, 2008

BLOOMINGTON - Indiana University has partnered with Google and Microsoft to deliver enhanced email and collaboration services to all IU students and alumni on all IU campuses.

The partnership allows IU students and alumni to access these popular commercial services while still maintaining their traditional IU email addresses. Students who use these services now will be able to continue receiving mail at their IU email addresses (e.g.: or long into the future.

"With this decision UITS begins a new model of delivering IT services, in which the best offerings in the marketplace are blended into a suite of complementary services - open-sourced, in-sourced, and proprietary - in order to offer the breadth and depth that meet the needs of IU students," said Laurie G. Antolovic', IU Deputy CIO and Finance Officer.

IU faculty and students served on a team that evaluated these products over the summer. Sophomore Brian Davis, an IU Student Association representative on the project, added, "The companies were very cooperative and presented impressive products. Throughout the process, both partners provided information to help show how their products would fit well with IU student needs."

In addition to email, both services provide a diverse set of features including calendaring, instant messaging, document and spreadsheet applications, and more. They also provide large storage allocations for email and documents.

"The initial feature set is rich, and the future integration potential is quite promising," noted Dennis Cromwell, IU Associate Vice President for Enterprise Infrastructure. "Students will continue to create and manage their accounts using IU's Account Management Service, and we will look to integrate email and other services within the OneStart portal and Oncourse course management system," Cromwell said.

Additionally, IU will continue to uphold current policies relating to student privacy. In accessing or granting access to an account, Google, Microsoft, and Indiana University personnel will comply with all applicable laws and policies. Information outlining when a user's stored data may be accessed, who may access it, and what permissions are necessary before that access takes place are available in Indiana University's Information Technology Privacy Policy.

Tom Martz, President and CEO of the Indiana University Alumni Association, praised the new services. "Our alumni want to stay connected with their alma mater and their university friends. A lifetime IU identity supports a lifetime of engagement between the university and its alumni," said Martz.

The rollout of the services will begin this semester.


About Indiana University

IU is one of the oldest state universities in the Midwest and also one of the largest universities in the United States, with more than 110,000 students, faculty, and staff on eight campuses. IU has a national reputation in the areas of information technology and advanced networking.

Related Information:

Media Contact

Julie Wernert
Office of the Vice President for Information Technology


Christine Y. Fitzpatrick, Ed.D.
Communications Officer
Office of the Vice President for Information Technology & CIO Indiana University
535 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
317-278-1818 (voice)
317-274-3657 (fax)

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Grids Apache Reboot and Mail Problems

Grids' /var directory was 100% full over the weekend. This holds both the user mail and apache log files.

I backed up and moved several large apache log files and restarted the server. Let me know if you notice any problems with lab web servers: most of these are virtually hosted from grids. If you use grids for mail, you may have noticed some interruption.

Monday, January 28, 2008

[Fwd: Recent Phishing Attempt at IU]

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Recent Phishing Attempt at IU
Resent-Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 09:49:37 -0500
Resent-From: <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 09:49:31 -0500
From: IU LSP Services <>
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;


We wanted to make you aware of a phishing attempt [1] circulating through email. Email messages with the subject of "Verify Your Iu Account Now" purportedly from "" (the reply-to address is a Hotmail account) ask users to respond with information, including their IU email password. This is not an IU-sanctioned message in the least. In fact, UITS will never ask a user for his or her passphrase at any time.

An IT Notice has been posted on this issue [2]. If you have any concerns, please let us know. If any of your users have responded to these phishing messages, they should immediately change their passphrase [3] and the Security Office should be notified [4].

Thank you,
LSP Services

[1] What are phishing scams and how can I avoid them?

[2] 1/28 Phishing IT Notice

[3] Passwords and Passphrases

[4] University Information Security Office

Monday, January 21, 2008

IDIOM Demo Tuesday at 3:00

Ahmet Topcu and Fatih Mustacoglu will demo their IDIOM (aka SRG) digital entity management system Tuesday at 3:00. Everyone should plan to attend. Demo will be located in Showers Room 100 B.


IDIOM Demo Tuesday at 3:00

Ahmet Topcu and Fatih Mustacoglu will demo their IDIOM (aka SRG) digital entity management system Tuesday at 3:00. Everyone should plan to attend.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

gf4 OS upgrade

We are going to upgrade the OS on to Fedora 7. Let me know if you experience problems.


Friday, January 11, 2008

[Fwd: IDIOM version 1.0 project demo]

Ahmet Topcu and Fatih Mustacoglu will give a demo of their Internet Documentation and
Integration of Metadata(IDIOM) project version 1.0 today at 3:00pm in
Room 100-B.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

MSI-CIEC Networking Portal Demo

This demo is scheduled for Tuesday, January 8 in Showers 100B. See